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HODL Dogecoin? Cryptocurrency Expert Opines



HODL Dogecoin? Cryptocurrency Expert OpinesDogecoin is one of the most talked-about cryptocurrencies this year, whether you like it or not. The cryptocurrency, which began as a joke in 2013 has even made it to SNL, thanks to Tesla (TSLA) – Get Report CEO Elon Musk.

The meme-inspired cryptocurrency, which wasn’t even worth a cent per coin until April 12 of this year spiked to over 70 cents in May.

Due to the extremely volatile nature and an unlimited supply of this coin, there’s a whole debate going on if it’s a good strategy to bet on Dogecoin.

Kenny Polcari, managing partner at Kace Capital Advisors, doesn’t favor this coin, whereas there are a few people like Glauber Contessoto who became a millionaire after betting on it.

TheStreet recently sat with Blockchain, DeFi, NFT, Token Model Architecture Influencer Eloisa Marchesoni, to find out what she thinks of Dogecoin.

“If you are a millionaire, and you just want to play, and you have your big wallet, then why not hold some Dogecoin, just in case,” she said. “If you are a small investor then I would say do not play with it it can hurt your savings. I would rather use those savings to buy Cardano (ADA)…”

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